Kamis, 31 Mei 2012

Too Much To Tell, But No One Listened

My undelivered message to Jack Dorsey

          First. The fact is, when you send an email for the famous people, our probability to get a reply is not more than 0.01%

       Second. When you have a trouble with your password and you know that you are not a hacker, how do you feel?

       Third. When you ask to your friend who always said that he/she is an hacker but he/she can’t help you anything because he/she can’t hack the Yahoo!Mail security system and he/she just can make your email are blocked, how do you feel?

       Fourth.  When you tell your friends if you have a problem to access something and your friends just say “That’s not important”, what do you feel?

       Fifth. There’s the story :
You and your friend always chat on twitter from Direct Message or Mentions. One day, your account can’t be opened. You almost never find your friend on Facebook Chatbox. You can chat on Skype or send an email, but the signal on your location is very bad. You can send a SMS or call your friend but it will be too expensive because that’s the international roaming. Your friend ask you “Do you have WhatsApp?” but you don’t have it, how do you feel?

When you get an answer for your message and the answer message is :
The email address you're writing from does not match the email on this account (it's a yahoo.com email address). For privacy reasons, we can't offer any more information about the email.
If you're unsure which email you used, you can check by going to this page and entering any possible email addresses: https://twitter.com/account/resend_password - we'll show you a confirmation message when you enter an email tied to a Twitter account in our system.Blablabala", how do you feel?

That's why I say "Too much to tell, but no one listened"

Sabtu, 19 Mei 2012

That's, The Real STAR WARS!!

I think, most of you feel so interest about "Galaxy". I found this article on Yahoo! News page when I checked my email. Enjoy!

Foto di bawah ini menampilkan Centaurus A, ‘galaksi radio’ terdekat dengan Bumi, yang saling memakan satu sama lain.
Perang Galaksi : Tarik menarik antara dua sistem  
Pakar astronomi kini memperkirakan bahwa Centaurus A terbentuk karena penggabungan dua galaksi berbeda -- dan foto terbaru ini mendukung teori tersebut. Jejak debu dalam foto yang baru dirilis ini diperkirakan adalah sisa-sisa galaksi spiral yang terkoyak-koyak oleh galaksi eliptis raksasa.

Fenomena ini akan terus terlihat di langit kita dan butuh ratusan juta tahun lagi sebelum 'perebutan galaksi' ini benar-benar menghilang.

Centaurus A terletak sekitar 12 juta tahun cahaya dari Bumi. Ia memiliki pusat lubang hitam dengan massa 100 juta kali lebih besar dari Matahari. Ahli astronomi percaya bahwa lubang hitam inilah yang memproduksi frekuensi radio luar biasa besarnya, sekaligus menghasilkan nukleus yang bercahaya dan fitur-fitur jet.
Lokasi sistem Centaurus A yang "tidak biasa"

Teleskop Observatorium Eropa Selatan di Chile menangkap gambar galaksi ini selama 50 jam. Citra-citra yang mereka dapatkan menampilkan detail mengagumkan dari sistem yang sudah dipelajari secara mendalam tersebut.

"Centaurus A ini menarik karena ia adalah galaksi radio terdekat dengan kita, sehingga lebih mudah untuk dipelajari," kata juru bicara Observatorium Eropa Selatan Richard Hook kepada Yahoo! News. "Ada semacam jejak debu di sekitar pusatnya, yang sebenarnya merupakan satu galaksi tersedot oleh galaksi lain."

"Citra ini sebenarnya punya pencahayaan yang sangat panjang, artinya menunjukkan struktur yang cukup halus. Ini adalah foto terbaik dari sistem Centaurus A yang pernah kami ambil," dia menambahkan.

Centaurus A mendapat nama tersebut karena ia adalah sumber gelombang radio pertama yang ditemukan di konstelasi Centaurus pada 1950an. Centaurus pertama ditemukan oleh astronom Inggris James Dunlop di observatorium Parramatta di Australia, pada 4 Agustus 1826.

Sumber : Yahoo! News | Adam Parris-Long

Sabtu, 12 Mei 2012

My Thanks To :

Talkin' about THANKS, let me say thank you so much very much to Uncle Tim Berners for the World Wide Web *big hug*. Evan Williams for the blog, and special thanks to Jack Dorsey for the Twitter. You are a genius man more than the inventor of algebra and statistics that make me feel so dizzy when I learn it. Hhahahaha :D

Standing applause for the most creative idea about Twitter!!!

Oke. ini cerita tentang a good, humble, and kind superstar. Kalian pasti tau tentang Secondhand Serenade kan? Musisi internasional yang baru-baru ini datang ke Indonesia dengan additional playernya yang kece-kece itu.

Saya adalah satu dari sekian banyak orang yang mengindolakan salah satu dari mereka. Lukas Brian Vesely. Additional bassist from the group. I followed him on twitter. Not long, he followed me back!!
Lukas Vesely @lukasvesely
Lukas Vesely, a superstar who give more attentions for his fans dan ga jual mahal *thumbs up*.
Sepertinya artis lokal harus mencontoh dia dalam hal menghargai fans.

It's so unbelievable when he replied my mentions :

Thank you so much. We can't wait for your coming soon to Indonesia, especially to Malang. I love you :D :)))

Jumat, 04 Mei 2012

Secondhand Serenade Live in Concert (Malang)

Friday, 03 May 2012. Graha Cakrawala Malang University. Best thing about this Friday night is Secondhand Serenade Concert Live in Malang!! Maybe Mr. John and friends read this post, so let me try to write this post in English :p.

Open gate at 07.00 pm. Festival B ticket far enough from the stage. Actually, Graha Cakrawala not too crowded, but OMG!! I’m not too tall to see John Vesely and band clearly from here. At the sea of people. Fortunately, two giant screens mounted on the left and the right side of the stage.
The sea of people at Secondhand Serenade concert
Giant screen
First song, You and I are showed so attractive. Graha Cakrawala sing and jump together. It’s too noisy. I can’t heard Mr.John’s voice. So please, sing it more loud and clear, dude!
John in action
Before the second song played, he said to the crew for open the gate that separated Festival A and Festival B (The gate opened. Second song, Stranger. He sing, “take a look at me so you can see, how beautiful you are” *melting*. Don’t you know, dude? You are really an angel who make all my dreams come true that night!

The third song, mmmmm. . . sorry I forget the title! But no problem for me. I really enjoyed the evening of Secondhand Serenade perform :D. The best night during I came to Malang!
Secondhand ticket

Almost forget small thing but so special for me. John’s additional guitar, Ryan Cook wearing puppet medallion. I can’t take the picture, but the medallion are glowing between his guitar strap. The bassist (I don’t know who he is. One thing I know about him, he is really really so sexy! :D) Wait! Now I know that his names Lukas Vesely , he wearing MUSE t-shirt!!

And here I’m! thanks for my bestiest, Pratiwi Kurnia Sari (Her name almost same with my name :D) that has take my picture in front of the unforgettable stage and Secondhand Serenade Live in Concert big banner! Sorry for the camera =.=”
Just for intermezzo, John played intro of Right Here Waiting For You from Richard Mark, we sing together. After that, they played Fall For You. Good Bye played. Please, Hear me Know!! It’s really hard and sad to say good bye :(. They go to the back stage. We are screaming, “We want more”. ENCORE! They back and for the last, Stay Close Don’t Go.
That’s a very very good night. But you missed something, “Never too late”. Thank you so much for coming. Come back here, dude.

Stay Close, Don't Go
I’m staring at the glass in front of me,
Is it half empty?
Have I ruined all you’ve given me?
I know I’ve been selfish,
I know I’ve been foolish,
But look through that and you will see,
That I’ll do better.
I know, baby I can do better.

If you leave me tonight,
I’ll wake up alone,
Don’t tell me I will make it on my own.
Don’t leave me tonight,
This heart of stone will sink ’til it dies,
If you leave me tonight.

Sometimes I stare at you while you are sleeping,
I listen to your breathing,
Amazed how I somehow managed to,
Sweep you off of your feet girl,
Your perfect little feet girl,
I took for granted what you do,
But I’ll do better.
I know, baby I can do better.

And don’t you know,
My heart is pumping,
Oh, it’s putting up the fight.
And I’ve got this feeling,
That everything’s alright.
Don’t you see?
I’m not the only one for you,
But you’re the only one for me.
If you leave me tonight,
I’ll wake up alone

This is another pictures :))
She's my bestie at "Rumah Susun WM II/22" :))

Someone alone at this concert. How can?!!
If I were him, I'll be so bored.