Do you remember about Tom Jones? No! Absolutely you don't. So, ask to your Grandma-pa or your parent. If you need fast response, ask to Google (He know everything :D)
Jadi ceritanya, kemaren baru dapet vinyl dari saudaranya Ibuk. Dapet minta sih sebenernya hhihihi.
Dapetnya yang album Delilah. Karena saya gak punya pemutarnya, jadi coba-coba deh searching di internet lagu-lagunya. Ini dia list-nya :
1. Delilah
2. Weeping Annaleah
3. One Day Soon
4. Laura
5. Make This Heart of Mine Smile Again
6. Lingering On
7. You Can't Stop Love
8. My Elussive Dream
9. Just Out of Reach
10. Only a Fool Breaks His Own Heart
11. Why Can't I Cry
Dari 12 lagu itu, yang paling saya suka One Day Soon, Lingering On, You Can't Stop Love, sama Only a Fool Breaks His Own Heart.
Love may be lost
You may be gone
Still there's a thousand memories to dream upon
Something went wrong
But, darlin, the song
Like fragrant perfume
Keeps lingering on
Saya kuno? Gak perduli :p. Yang penting saya senang hhahahahahahahahaha :D
Silahkan dicoba download. Semoga suka :))
That was an odd choice of album that you had (like always). Its not that I think its bad at all, but kinda different. The previous posts about songs, most of your playlist is different than average person that I know, but I like them too. I think that's the reason why I tried to follow your suggestion (to download the songs). I've download it, and heard two of your favorites. Let me share what I thought about the songs..
BalasHapusHonestly, this kind of song remind me of loneliness, hot summer at nowhere, spacing out for nothing, and doing nothing. The same strange feeling like when I hear the sound of sea wave or tembang kenangan, especialy "sepanjang jalan kenangan". Do you know that song?. Don't you think its kind of similar with "Lingerin on"?. Or maybe that was just my feeling. Can't protest though, I heard the song but only a few times.
for the "Kuno" part. I think, I'll agree with that. When the others will talk most about Korean Pop or something that Talent scouting contestant sings, You choose to idolize somethin else, somebodies from the different time. That's also make me think, Its kuno, but AWESOME.
Thanks for following, brooo
HapusSenang sekali punya follower aktif seperti kamu.
Aktif maksudnya yang gak cuma rajin baca, tapi juga ninggalin jejak di komen :)
Back to Lingering On.
Kalo didengerin, seperti ada lagu lain yang nempel di otak. Earworm, tapi lupa lagu apa.
Gak mungkin banget saya pernah dengerin Lingering On sebelumnya. Bapak Ibu saya bukan penikmat Tom Jones.
Dan album Delilah diproduksi jauh sebelum saya lahir.
How can I forgot about "Sepanjang Jalan Kenangan", btw -___-
Terimakasih banyak sudah diingatkan. Ternyata kamu gak cuma aktif, tapi juga teliti.
Sama sama sis..
BalasHapusya, udah jadi kayak hobi nih ninggalin komen. ada banyaaak sekali yang ingin sy sampaikan di tiap tulisan yg saya baca. Mumpung di blog ada kolom komentar, jadi dibuat ajang menyampaikan pendapat aja, ya gak?! hehe..
Back to Lingerin' on :
Entah lagu apa yang mbak @kinsyani maksud, earworm, I don't have any clue on it. yang sy tahu itu, lagu jaman dahulu kala memang memiliki tempo super lambat, sehingga mungkin kedengerannya sama dengan semua lagu jaman dahulu lainnya [ngarang banget]. tapi aneh, lagu2 Tom Jones kan beda banget sama Coldplay, Radiohead, dan Beatles. How can you enjoy these songs?
jujur saja, lagu dengan tempo lambat bukan tipe lagu yg saya suka. Lebih suka dengan list2mu yang sebelum2nya, Coldplay, Radiohead, The Beatles, [The Beats Goes On is a good song].
By the way, I also have a list of favorite songs, I wonder if I can write it down like the way you do. hahaha..
Hapusjadi maksudnya earworm itu lagu yang selelu nempel di kepala. Seperti sepanjang jalan kenangan. Lagunya kita tau banget. Biarpun ortuku jarang banget muter lagu itu.
Nah, itu dia. Saya bisa menikmati semua jenis musik. Banyak yang bilang, selera musik saya aneh. Bukan aneh mungkin. Cuma biasanya saya bakal lebih interset sama lagu-lagu under millenium. Terutama kalo yang bawain band2 90an ato dibawahnya :D
Soal The Beat Goes On. Kalo km kangen sama suara khas nya Liam, silahkan download lagu-lagunya Beady Eye. Soalnya, ada rumor kalo Oasis gak bakal ngadain reuni :))