Sabtu, 12 Mei 2012

My Thanks To :

Talkin' about THANKS, let me say thank you so much very much to Uncle Tim Berners for the World Wide Web *big hug*. Evan Williams for the blog, and special thanks to Jack Dorsey for the Twitter. You are a genius man more than the inventor of algebra and statistics that make me feel so dizzy when I learn it. Hhahahaha :D

Standing applause for the most creative idea about Twitter!!!

Oke. ini cerita tentang a good, humble, and kind superstar. Kalian pasti tau tentang Secondhand Serenade kan? Musisi internasional yang baru-baru ini datang ke Indonesia dengan additional playernya yang kece-kece itu.

Saya adalah satu dari sekian banyak orang yang mengindolakan salah satu dari mereka. Lukas Brian Vesely. Additional bassist from the group. I followed him on twitter. Not long, he followed me back!!
Lukas Vesely @lukasvesely
Lukas Vesely, a superstar who give more attentions for his fans dan ga jual mahal *thumbs up*.
Sepertinya artis lokal harus mencontoh dia dalam hal menghargai fans.

It's so unbelievable when he replied my mentions :

Thank you so much. We can't wait for your coming soon to Indonesia, especially to Malang. I love you :D :)))

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