Sabtu, 07 Juli 2012

Just for Fun

Permainan ini hampir sama seperti yang saya temukan di blognya @benakribo jauh-jauh sebelum blog ini lahir. Bedanya cuma ada di pertanyaan yang diajukan. Oke. Ini saya copas dari blog lain pertanyaannya.
Here it goes :

1. Put your iTunes, Windows Media Player, etc. on shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
5. Everyone tagged has to do the same thing.
6. Have Fun

jangan pilih-pilih list lagu untuk dimasukkan playlist. dengan memasukkan seluruh lagu yg ada dalam komputer anda, akan menghasilkan tingkat akurasi 99%.

If someone says “are you okay?” you’ll say?
If it Kills Me – Jason Mraz

Coba bayangkan,
X : Nia, are you okay?
N : If it Kills Me
X : What do you mean of “it”?!?!! Are you crazy?!!!

What would best describe your personality?
Alone – Celine Dion

Yes! Just I’m. I’m not a psychopat. Mhuahahahahaha

How would you describe yourself?
I Will Survive – Cake


What do you like in a boy?
Bad Romance – Lady Gaga

Kayanya enggak deh -____-

What is your life purpose?
Strawberry Swing - Coldplay

What?!!! Life just for a strawberry? Sarap!

What is your motto?
Ice Hands – Port Blue

Kalo Ice Maker kaya Gray lebih keren kayanya. *Moto macam apa ini*

What do your friends think of you?
Monster – Paramore

Tega! But, no problem. Let me introduce my self. I’m Niia. Niia Cullen. A monster, and I need your blood.

What do your parents think of you?
Wild Women – Michael Learn to Rock

Yang ini jelas-jelas impossible. My parents said that ak ga ada wild2nya sama sekali *eheem

What do you think about very often?
All We Know - Paramore

What we know, eh??

What is 2 + 2?
Won’t Go Home Without You – Maroon 5

Sesat!! Sejak kapan?? Pasti dulu ga SD :D

What do you think of your best friend?
Just the Way You Are – Bruno Mars

Just the way you are. Just the way you are. Anjing menggonggong, khafilah will never cares.

What do you think of the person you like?
Unforgivable – Christina Grimmie

Kejam. Raja ratu tega. Oh, no!

What is your life story?
Hero - Nickelback

Like the struggle of Black Widow, maybe Cat Woman or Xena. Mhuahahahahahaha

What do you want to be when you grow up?
Forever Young – One Ditrection

Cocok! Yap, We don’t have a power but we never say never.

What do you think when you see the person you like?
New Perspective – Panic at the Disco

Kaya yang lebih cocok grup bandnya deh dari pada lagunya. Ada panik2nya gitu :D

What will you do at your wedding?
I’m Waiting for You – Kenny G

What are you waiting for? It's your wedding, darl!

What is your hobby/interest?
Exo-Politics – Muse

Ini kesalahan. Sama sekali saya ga tertarik yang namanya politik. Kaga paham dan kaga ngartos. :D

What is your biggest fear?
Light On – David Cook

Hmmmmm…..How can I live without the light? Jadi semacam photophobia?

What do you think of your friends?
Stay (Faraway, So Close) – U2

Yes, right! For you all, my beloved besties. Stay close, and don't ever go.

What the worst think that could happen?
Animal – Secondhand Serenade

Yeah, maybe that would be the worst thing.

What is the one thing you regret?
Friday Night – The Click Five

What I've done at Friday Night? Are you kidding me?! What should I regret for?!

What makes you cry?
Beautiful Girl – Christian Bautista

-_____-  Mungkin kalo beautiful girl nya pake bolong dipunggungya, pake baju putih, rambutnya nyampe tanah, baru ak nangis. Hhahaha

Will you ever get married?
May be – Secondhand Serenade

May be. In the future.

What scares you the most?
The Riddle – Five for Fighting

Teka-teki apa yang bikin saya sangat takut? Takut ga bisa mecahin teka-teki mungkin :P

Does anyone like you?
Angels – Sarah McLachlan

How can?? -________-

If you could go back in time, what would you change?
Hitomi no Jiyuunin – L’Arc ~ en ~ ciel

Sebenernya ga ngerti juga arti nih lagu. Cuma nikmatin musiknya aja :D
Googling, ada yang bilang Living In Your Eyes. How can? How to enter?

What hurts right now?
The Time (Dirty Bit) – Black Eyed Peace

Sekejam apakah waktu itu sampe menyakiti :D

What will you name this note?
Ignorance - Paramore

agak gimana gitu -__-

source :

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