Selasa, 17 Juli 2012

From Adam Young, with Love :)))

Sedikit cerita tentang Owl City yah menjelang konsernya di Tennis Indoor Senayan 14 November nanti. Sebenernya saya ga terlalu tau banyak yah soal Owl City ini. Yang saya tau Owl City bukan band, cuma ada penyanyi (Adam Young) yang merangkap sebagai komposer, song writer, dan semua-muanya.

Saya ga terlalu kepo soal kehidupan pribadinya. Termasuk soal kehidupan asmara *ceeeileeeee*. Satu-satunya yang saya nikmati dan saya tunggu dari Owl City cuma karyanya. Hhehehehehe.

Baru tau kemaren dari temen, katanya si Adam Young ini Fallin’ in Love sama Taylor Swift. Kalo ada yang belum tau siapa Taylor Swift, dia bukan Swift si Penjahit.  Taylor Swift itu penyanyi cewek. Hhahahaha :D.  Teman saya itu ngasi info kalo si Adam cover lagunya si Taylor, trus dia balikin lagi ke Taylor.

Penasaran, akhirnya saya buka-buka deh blognya Adam Young ( iseng-iseng. Kali aja nemu sesuatu. Eh, bener aja. Di situ ada postingan tertanggal February 14th 2011 at 2:23 pm  (lawas gila! Dan saya baru aja buka 16 Juli 2012. How long, eh! -____- )

Ini dia penggalan entry nya :

Dearest Taylor,
I’ll be the first to admit I’m a rather shy boy and since music is the most eloquent form of communication I can muster, I decided to record something for you — as sort of a “reply” to the breathtaking song on your current record. This is what I wanted so badly to tell you in person but could never quite put into words:

Everything about you is beautiful. You’re an immensely charming girl with a wonderful heart and more grace and elegance than I know how to describe. You are a true princess from a dreamy fairy tale; a modern Cinderella. I’m terribly sorry it’s taken me such a long time to reply but I figured Valentine’s Day was the perfect time to write this note to you and simply say… I was enchanted to meet you too.


Ha! How romantic! Lagunya (Enchanted) silahkan di donwload sendiri :). Sebenernya sama kaya punya Taylor, cuma sama Adam di tambah lirik "Oh Taylor I was so enchanted to meet you too".

Wait, if "Enchanted" cover reply to Taylor Swift's song, its mean that "Enchanted" uncover (pure Taylor Swift song) is dedicated for Adam? Who knows the fact. But I think, absolutely yes :)))

Adam and Taylor

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